
Besides just being a writing conference, surprise, surprise, there were also books for sale. And me being me, I just had to acquire a few new books (also a surprise). So what did I end up with?

Okay, perhaps there might be a few clues to improve my writing in this tome, which was the reason why I was at this event.

This book was also recommended in one of the seminars, but it was the cover that really made me purchase this. 😉

I sat next to this writer at one of the meals, and he gave me this book because we both think that dinosaurs are cool.

At another one of the meals I sat between a writer of “scientific” vampire stories and a writer of vampire erotica. (Scientific means that he created a plausible scenario for vampires to exist, and he deleted all of the Hollywood vampire tropes. Watch for his series V-Wars on Netflix.) For some reason they did not discuss the differences in their vampire stories. 😉

I also bought this book, because he had given me the free one, so I wanted to support him.

Not shown are two “romance” books that I picked up. They seemed involve erotic possibilities rather than love, and I threw them away because they were boring. I much prefer a good murder mystery (preferably set in England, because we know how murderous the English people are). Who knows what this says about me, perhaps I shall write a book about it for the next conference. Or not.

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