
Well it only took four forevers to get this site back in shape and secure, but it was done, albeit with a lot of fumbling and cursing. There have been lots of improvements in technology, yet there is still plenty of room for user error.

So what’s been happening here in the summertime?

The start of summer is always marked by the Air Force Academy graduation. I have never bothered to watch the air show, but I found myself in a position to catch this and it was fantastic. I could also see the freeway, where they blocked off all traffic so that the President could travel unhindered. It’s always a nuisance when politicians bother to show up.

Summer always means lots of music of all kinds, this was bluegrass played at a church (did you guess this?). Why were we inside on a summer’s day?

Oh yeah, there are often thunderstorms that roll in, and this year there have been quite a lot.

After a slow start to summer, everything has started to bloom, like this, our state flower (yes, it’s official by proclamation of some governor. There is also an official state dinosaur and two official songs).

Jazz in the garden at a different church.

Classic rock at a bar.

And funk at a shopping center. What all of these music venues have in common (besides me) is that they are appealing to old people (also me). I decided that’s because young people might get rowdy and want to stay up late, while us oldies just wish to enjoy some tunes and go home to bed early.

Summers are lovely, and this one is already half gone, so I had better check the schedule to see who is playing next.