How much was that dragon in the window?

It’s the weekend of the local writers conference, not that I’m going, but am I still a writer if I don’t ever write? So, lots of things have been happening and here is a bit from the recent past. Of course the start of the astrological New Year is long past, but due to a tragedy at the local college it had been postponed. So, here is an overdue tribute to the Year of the Dragon, my favorite Astrological sign.

They had already done the traditional dance with a bunch of people carrying this beast about. But I really like him (I am assuming this dragon is male, it’s a yang symbol after all) even when parked against the background of the mountain (also yang).

The thing above the dragon could be a proto dragon, or worm, but, surprise it’s art (yes I know it started as a baffle from the garden center, but now it’s art.)

Someone was demonstrating a tea ceremony with the most adorable dragon tea set. I had my cup of tea from a tea bag, hardly anyone has time to do all the steps, and you can’t get this from Starbuck’s. (My neighbor does teach tea ceremony if one needs to know.)

I’m including this guy and his dragon just because the dragon is so adorable (I know that you would take this cute dragon home).

Anyone can be a dragon with this mask, assuming that one is a little kid. It was from a booth run by a local Chinese school (it’s the sort of place that one’s parents makes one go). There were a bunch of booths from different organizations with various other traditional Chinese trinkets for sale and I supported them by buying little bits (all are for future un-named art projects, really). It wasn’t as big as previous celebrations, but it was a lovely way to pass an afternoon.

One thought on “How much was that dragon in the window?”

  1. That looks like a five or six person dragon! How do they see where they’re going? I guess the person at the head can see out the mouth and everyone else just follows the leader.

    Is the art that was a baffle from the garden center, at the Ent Center for the Arts?

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