
It’s been quite a while since the last post. I have been working to upgrade whatever needed upgrading and as I am computer illiterate and busy with other things this has taken a bit of time. But life goes on and I have been doing things like this:

Yes, I went to a four day writer’s workshop (and I know that you are thinking “it’s about time”.) This service dog was at the first workshop prepping for his debut as the star of a series of children’s books. The series could be titled “What a good boi”.

A number of the published authors at this fest were also selling their books. I liked this title because it made me think “What would stop a Canadian Werewolf? Not silver bullets, but perhaps maple syrup or poutine,” and where would one find this in New York?

And what kind of conference does not have a bar? This is where the important business of any conference is done.

Part of every conference is mealtime with a speaker. One enters a large noisy room, full of tables and chooses a place to sit, hopefully with persons one knows or wants to know. This conference requires presenters to each host a table so that one may have informal discussions over a meal. But at this point I was sick of talking to people and there was an empty table. So I took a place setting and made my own ‘pariah table’. I was joined by another introvert and we commiserated about speaking so much to strangers.

So was the conference worth it? I did get to hang out with my friend the writer, I spoke to a few souls, I ate hotel food and I spent a lot of time driving back and forth. Did I learn anything? Yes, my preferred way of punctuation is wrong and at least one editor would reject it on that basis (not that I am submitting anything). And I am not interested in selling anything, just writing this little blog mainly for myself. And you.