Category Archives: City

Body Works

I love this city, there is always some small bit of weirdness about it.

I wonder about the designer of this building. Did he (of course it was designed by a man) look at the plans and think “I really should add some arms to the outside of the building, that’s just what it needs.”

Or what went through the mind of the designer of this window display? “I’m envisioning what a golden cyclops would look like, because this will make passers-by want to come in and purchase things”.

Golden knee high boots also deserve to be placed on a handy (sorry for the pun) pedestal. And I know that now you want them, maybe.

Do ladies still have matching shoes and handbags? And what would the handbag look like waving about from your feet? Well, now it’s possible to visualize this before you buy.

Someone spent a lot of time beading and embroidering these eyeballs so that they might startle the neighbors. I can’t imagine them fitting into one’s home, but perhaps I lack imagination. With so much to choose from, one needs a bit of weirdness to stand out in a crowded city, so I salute these designers. Well done.